I had written this as a blog. But realized that people prefer to read short status updates rather than detail blogs. If anyone wants to read complete blog, here it is Click here
So here it goes
For manufacturing companies, IIoT is an enabler of efficiencies and improved productivity, reduced downtime, and increased cost efficiencies. It is no surprise that the IIoT market is expected to reach $123.89 Billion by 2021.

Here is a quick checklist for companies to successfully strategize and implement IIoT initiatives –

  • Ensure that the new technology solutions are not only built for newer assets, but they work with existing legacy assets as well.
  • Implement optimum cybersecurity protocols to detect data breaches, intrusions and data leaks, and proactively address security incidents and damages.
  • To keep the upskilling of the workforce limited, ensure that the solutions are simple, user-friendly and easy to understand.
  • Continuously guide and mentor employees and in general promote the system internally.
  • Ensure correct management, mapping, and analysis of data to deliver actionable insights. Also ensure that data does not exist in silos.