In a series of next few posts, I plan to talk about some of the key terms which you might encounter in your discussions about #Industry40 aka #SmartManufacturing. Today’s term is “Cyber Physical System”

A Cyber Physical System (CPS) is a combination of physical and virtual components where physical components are continuously connected to virtual ones thru sensors and communication networks. Visibility of a CPS may vary depending on communication network used and following are some scenarios

Local – only in the location where physical components are

Limited – in a limited area, typically created via LAN, WAN, VPN

Global – accessible from anywhere through Internet

CPS converts a physical asset into a digital asset and hence is a building block of any IoT system as well as Industry 4.0.

Some of the key considerations of CPS are connectivity, communications and cyber security.

Examples of CPS are

A connected machine on shop floor

A connected vehicle

A smart grid

In the next few posts, I will cover digital twin, AI/ML with reference to Manufacturing and some aspects of cyber security. Let me know if something else interests you.
